Manea Celebration Update
Published: 30 November 2019
Volunteers, Councillors and villagers met on 14th November to celebrate the amazing amount of volunteer work that happens in the village.
We heard from a number of volunteers about the work that they are doing within the village and about the great number of opportunities that villagers have to take part in so many different groups and activities.
In recognition of this work and the hugely positive impact it has on individuals and the well being of the village; the Council offered groups the chance to apply for small amounts of seed money with the intention that it would be used to help grow their group or offer a new experience/activity.
We were delighted to receive a number of applications and the Groups below were all awarded grants ranging from £20-£200 that collectively totalled just under £1800.
Congratulations to those who were awarded a grant and thank you to other volunteers and parishioners who attended to be part of the celebration.
Successful applicants – Manea Sirens, Brownies, Rainbows, Internet Club, YPM (who run our Youth Club), Bowls Club, Walking Club, Manea Guides, Manea Silver Band and our Baby & Toddler Group.
All will be invited back in the spring to update us on how the grants have been used.