News Archive

B1098 Closure

Published: 4 Sep 23

Stonea Level Crossing and Underpass will be closed between 8am and 4pm for three days from 16th October to 18th October 2023 Read More...


Published: 8 Jun 23

Nominations for new councillors are now closed...

Have your say on Fenland’s dog control order

Published: 6 Jun 23

Fenland District Council is seeking the public’s view on whether an order which helps tackle issues associated with irresponsible dog ownership, such as dog fouling, should be renewed. Read More...

Manea Parish Council Needs You!

Published: 19 May 23

Following the recent elections three seats of the parish council are unfilled... Read More...

Notice of Elections 2023

Published: 21 Mar 23

Notices for the upcoming elections at Fenland District Council and Manea Parish Council... Read More...

Are you passionate about your community?

Published: 31 Jan 23

Find out how to become a councillor...

Ouse Washes Update

Published: 8 Dec 22

The Ouse Washes barrier bank raising works were completed in October 2022. Click here for the latest news letter... Read More...

Christmas Holiday Scheme

Published: 14 Nov 22

Would your child like to attend a fully funded holiday scheme this Christmas? Read More...

Anglian Water Reservoir

Published: 29 Oct 22

Have your say on proposals for a new reservoir near Manea... Read More...

Telecoms Mast

Published: 3 Aug 22

Planning permission has been granted for a new telecoms mast in Manea... Read More...

Park ROSPA Reports

Published: 18 Jun 22

The latest ROSPA safety inspection reports for our Park and Skate Park Read More...

Free Summer Holiday Scheme Places

Published: 18 Jun 22

Would your child like to attend a fully funded holiday scheme this summer? Read More...

Chairman's Report 2020-22

Published: 18 Jun 22

Lisa's annual report covering the last three years...

Annual Parish Meeting

Published: 5 May 22

Monday 16th May 2022...

Vandalism at the Pit

Published: 7 Apr 22

A number of nesting birds have been disturbed...

Ouse Washes Drop In

Published: 7 Apr 22

Details of the Ouse Washes bank raising works Public drop in event on 23rd April... Read More...

Manea Youth Club

Published: 14 Mar 22

Our youth club is due to close soon...

Warden Scheme

Published: 4 Jan 22

A new community warden scheme for Doddington, Wimblington, Benwick and Manea... Read More...

Do you need help this Winter?

Published: 4 Jan 22

Are you struggling to buy food or to pay for household bills? Read More...

Covid 19 Support

Published: 4 Jan 22

Dedicated advice service for Fenland residents...

Have your say...

Published: 26 Nov 21

Fenland Electoral Review

Way 2 Go

Published: 18 Nov 21

The Road Safety Education Newsletter Autumn/Winter 2021

Christmas Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Published: 11 Nov 21

If your child is receiving free school meals due to low income, they may be able to attend a Christmas holiday scheme for 16 hours for free... Read More...


Published: 2 Nov 21

Running order for the meeting tomorrow night...


Published: 29 Oct 21

A public meeting to update the parish on recent flooding issues... Read More...

School Crossing Patrol Officer

Published: 27 Sep 21

Manea needs a school crossing patrol officer, details of how to apply are here... Read More...

Manea Tree Survey

Published: 19 Sep 21

In September, GTS completed a survey of every tree that the Parish Council look after. The full report can be found here... Read More...

Covid Support

Published: 29 Jul 21

Extra support available for people who need to self-isolate... Read More...

Way 2 Go

Published: 19 Jul 21

The Road Safety Education Newsletter Summer 2021

Summer Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Published: 14 Jul 21

Information on Cambs County Councils summer holiday activities and food programme... Read More...

Park ROSPA Reports

Published: 2 May 21

The latest ROSPA safety inspection reports for our Park and Skate Park... Read More...

Census Jobs

Published: 31 Dec 20

The ONS are now hiring for Census 2021...

FDC Covid 19 Press Release

Published: 8 Nov 20

The latest press release from FDC reminding residents of support available during the Covid 19 Pandemic... Read More...

Covid 19 Risk Assessment

Published: 1 Sep 20

We have completed a risk assessment for safe use of the pavilion during the Covid 19 pandemic. A copy will also be available in the pavilion... Read More...

Park ROSPA Reports

Published: 17 Jul 20

The latest ROSPA safety inspection reports for our Park and Skate Park... Read More...

Park Re-Opening

Published: 3 Jul 20

Following the Government’s announced easing of Covid-19 lockdown measures our village play equipment and skate park will be open for use from tomorrow morning... Read More...

Don’t lose your voice

Published: 2 Jul 20

Annual household canvass gets underway...

Bus Shelters

Published: 30 May 20

An update on the bus shelter project...

Anglian Water Tankers

Published: 29 May 20

A letter from Peter Simpson, Chief Executive of Anglian Water regarding Manea Water Recycling Centre... Read More...

Covid19 Closures

Published: 13 May 20

Up to date information covering the closure of Manea Parish Council Amenities. In line with Government Guidelines the play park and the skate park will re-open on Saturday 4th July... Read More...

Bank Holiday Support

Published: 8 Apr 20

Bank Holiday support for vulnerable people who are self-isolating... Read More...

Manea Matters Spring Issue

Published: 29 Mar 20

The spring edition of Manea Matters is available online... Read More...

Manea Support

Published: 27 Mar 20

If you need help at the moment here are some details that you may find useful… Read More...

Speedwatch Data

Published: 4 Mar 20

A summary of the information collected by our speedwatch group in February... Read More...

Manea Plan

Published: 10 Feb 20

Manea Parish Council's submission to the Fenland District Council consultation for the emerging core strategy. Read More...

Manea Celebration Update

Published: 30 Nov 19

An update about our Manea Celebration evening...

Pump Corner

Published: 30 Nov 19

Pump corner has been given a face lift...

Manea Celebration

Published: 7 Oct 19

Lets Celebrate Manea!

Village Group Councillor Liaisons

Published: 25 Sep 19

Are you involved with one of the groups or clubs in our village? Here are details of your nominated councillor. Read More...

Election Results

Published: 3 May 19

Results of poll 2nd May 2019

Adult Weight Management Group

Published: 15 Aug 18

Would you like to lose weight and improve your health? Why not join one of our FREE groups? Read More...

Multi-Sport Games Area

Published: 15 Aug 18

Manea has a brand now Muli-Sport Game Area that is available for hire by organised groups or clubs. Read More...


Published: 15 Aug 18

CAMQUIT is the Stop Smoking Support Service for Cambridgeshire Read More...

Good Neighbours Stop Rogue Traders!

Published: 15 Aug 18

Are you a good neighbour? Do you want to protect vulnerable residents from rogue traders? Read More...