Manea Youth Club
Published: 14 March 2022
Manea Youth Club
Sadly, the Parish Council has to announce the possible closure of Manea Youth Club (MYC) at the end of May 2022.
MYC currently meets on a Tuesday night in the village hall and is provided by the organisation Young People March (YPM) contracted to run MYC by Manea Parish Council (MPC). The current contract with YPM expires on 24th May 2022. Following a number of disruptive incidences over several months by certain young people, and the limited activities they are able to offer, YPM has informed the Parish Council that they will not be seeking to renew their contract after the current contract expires at the end of May 2022. This is a very sad situation and seems that a minority have spoilt it for the majority. Despite efforts to get YPM to reconsider their position, currently MYC will cease at the end of May. Every effort will be made to try and identify an alternative suitably qualified and registered provider able and willing to take on the running of MYC, if anyone knows of any possible qualified providers please give any Parish Councillor or our Clerk details, but as it stands, MYC will close at the end of May 2022.
Barry Cundell
Link Councillor