Have your say on Fenland’s dog control order
Published: 06 June 2023
Fenland District Council is seeking the public’s view on whether an order which helps tackle issues associated with irresponsible dog ownership, such as dog fouling, should be renewed.
Under the existing Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), the Council can take enforcement action against people who breach dog control restrictions in public areas, including:
· Failing to clear up dog fouling.
· Failing to put a dog on a lead if requested by authorised officers.
· Failing to keep a dog on a lead in some open children’s play areas, public facilities, closed cemeteries, and churchyards.
· Ignoring dog exclusions at fenced/gated children’s play areas and open cemeteries.
The order, originally introduced in 2017 and replaced with new measures in 2020, expires in October 2023.
The Council is now proposing to renew the PSPO for a further three years and would like the public’s view on whether its current restrictions should be retained.
A consultation on the PSPO renewal runs from Thursday 1 June until Friday 30 June. For more information and to have your say visit: www.fenland.gov.uk/consultations
Cllr Peter Murphy, the Council’s Portfolio Holder for the Environment, said: “While dogs are a great source of enjoyment and companionship for many, it is vital that powers are in place to ensure people are protected from problems such as dog fouling and out of control dogs.
“We want to renew the Public Spaces Protection Order as it provides an expedient means to tackle these issues, through the use of fixed penalty notices, as well as prosecutions where required. Without a PSPO in place we would not be able to take any enforcement action.
“The order plays an important role in ensuring everyone can enjoy our parks and open spaces, so it would be good to hear views from as many people as possible on its renewal. We’re keen to hear from residents, businesses, local community groups and visitors.”
For more information on the existing order, including maps of locations where dogs need to be on leads or are excluded, is available at: www.fenland.gov.uk/article/13679/Dog-Control-Public-Spaces-Protection-Order-PSPO